CulinaryKorean Meal

Tokpoki 떡볶이 #4: 고고즉석 떡볶이

즉석  means immediate, or on the spot. If it’s related to food, then it means that the food that you cook on the spot and served immediately. For Tokpoki, usually we can find it in the street food stall. That kind of tokpoki is cooking previously by the seller and ready stock. Usually it is sold with affordable price and not many inside, mostly omuk and spring onion. However, in 즉석 Tokpoki, it contains a lot of side dish, such as noodle, fried food, boiled egg, omuk etc. I would like to recommend this tokpoki to eat. The location is near our school 🙂 No need to worry, you can find the similar Tokpoki everywhere 😉

This GoGo Tokpoki has many menu other than Tokpoki, such as Cute Kimbab 😀 Something that is also special about 즉석 Tokpoki is whenever you have finished eating the Tokpoki, you can make a fried rice in the same pan. This is very special in Korea. Some of the restaurant provides free fried rice, but some of them is charged.

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One Tokpoki Serving Pan contains Tokpoki + Noodle + Chewy Noodle + Dumpling + Eggs + Fish Cake as the basic ingredient. Depending on the menu you choose, you can get extra, such as cheese etc. If you are Muslim, or don’t eat pork, make sure to ask to remove the dumpling and they will replace it with Kimari.


You can order with different level of spiciness. I order the medium level, and it was not really spicy. Enough for me. But for those who like spicy food, better to order one level higher 😀

The taste was delicious. The broth was not very strong, so I liked it. The place was also clean and comfortable. The cheese Tokpoki was delicious. We ordered 2 servings for 3 person. I think that was the right amount instead of order 3 servings.

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At that time I went with my culinary friends 😀 We ate here before we spent the night with watching Resident Evil premier in the cinema hehehe I was very full at that time. Because I didn’t eat lunch that day, so we ordered the fried rice as dessert :p


Subway Line 2 Seoul National University Entrance Exit 2. Walk straight and the store is on the 2nd floor near the Subway restaurant

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