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이 블로그는 제 한국 생활 이야기임니다…
2014년 8월 26일부터 시작합니다…
Hi… My name is Ninan…
I am from Indonesia…
This blog will talking about my life in Korea…
I hope i can regularly update it hehe
My Korean Life was started from Aug 26th 2014.
Shortly, I got a KGSP Scholarship from NIIED…
I will have 3 years in total, 1 year to learn Korean Language and 2 years for my Master Degree.
Fortunately I got Keimyung University as my Language Institute, and the next year after reaching my TOPIK level 3, I will pursue my Master Degree at SNU (Seoul National University).
I hope this blog will keep my beautiful memories remain. 🙂
And maybe some information will useful for the readers.
by the way, this is my sub-blog address, while my main blog is here.
Thank You.
Hi. I found your blog unintentionally. Actually I’m looking for how to apply graduate degree program in Korea. May I ask a few questions.
1. Do you apply the scholarship and university admission separately? I means do we need to go to each university’s website and fill in the application? Or just apply KGSP scholarship and when we succeed to get the scholar, they will find university for us?
2. Before you apply, have you took the TOPIK test? Or we can just do it there.
3. The graduate programs are taught in Korean or English?
I hope to hear from you soon. Btw, I’m from Malaysia. Nice to meet you. Bye
hi, sorry for replying just now coz I didnt get any notification if someone leave reply in this subdomain.
let me answer a few question.
1. I apply through university admission. And choose only one method. Dont apply in both. For detail you can refer to here
2. I didnt have any Korean test proficiency before coming here. I did the TOPIK test when I arrived in Korea. So, no Korean ability at all. Zero.
3. For language, you have to check per department. For my department, it is taught in Korean. There are some courses taught in English but only 1 or 2 per semester. But some other departments has full English course. So, it depends on the university and department.