CulinaryKorean MealOther Food

Craving for Pizza in Korea

In my country, the type of Pizza is not that much, most Pizzas is just the same. The pizza brands is not that many either. However, when you reach South Korea, from the franchise pizza, till the handmade one, you can taste many flavour, both fantastic and peculiar taste in here. I will try to summarize what Pizza that I’ve been eating till now.

1.Alvolo Pizza

I couldn’t find the picture T.T But I knew this pizza from my senior in campus. She treat me and my friend after one day tutoring us about Integer Programming. I fall in love with this pizza because of the bread. The bread is from 쌀가루 rice flour. A bit expensive but delicious. The website is here.

2.BBQ Pizza

This pizza I ate in BBQ restaurant inside SNU. I ordered Gorgonzola Vegetable Pizza, because I don’t eat meat, so I could only order this hahaha The cheese was so fresh. It was added as topping after the pizza baked. So the cheese was not baked together. The vegetable salad was also fresh

3.Chicago Pizza

Another good handmade pizza I ate. But at that time I was ordering honey butter cheese pizza. It was delicious, but because it was sweet, We felt full easily. But recommended.

4.Pizza School

The most student-friendly pizza ever! You can find the franchise easily. Only with 5000 won, you can bring delicious pizza to home. I like cheese pizza or goguma pizza. The one with tortilla and vegetable only topping also delicious. The bread is a bit different because of tortilla is also baked inside. The prize for this pizza is 11.000 won.

5.NipongNaepong Pizza

Basically, this restaurant is jjampong  (짬뽕) restaurant. But they provided a good and simple pizza also. Try goguma (sweet potato) pizza or garlic pizza for 9900 won.

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