Tokpoki 떡볶이 #3: 두끼 Tokpoki Buffet
I got to know this place from my classmate. After a painful assignment and presentation, We decided to celebrate the day to eat Tokpoki buffet in Sillim station. Make sure you come with nothing inside your stomach so that you can enjoy the food to the fullest capacity of your stomach 😀
The price is different between student and general visitor. Student is 6900 won/ person and Adult is 7900 won/person. For student, you need to show your student ID to get the discount. And there is also special menu that you need to add 4000 won more to be able to eat it.
The menu available for buffet is
- Tokpoki with many different sauces and filling.
- Fish Cake (어묵)
- Fried Rice (볶음밥) with various topping.
- Assorted Fried Snack (모듬 튀김).
- Ramyun
The most important is you cook all of them by yourself. You also can ask for assistance if you need help. Another good thing is there is no limit time to eat, but if you come at peak hour, make sure you consider other visitors as well 🙂 That place is not yours haha
At that day, I came with my stomach empty, I didn’t eat breakfast and lunch, but I was so full so that I couldn’t walk home after eating there. 6900 won for all of these food is worth enough! I love how they provide a lot of sauce with different level of spiciness, and there is also curry sauce. You should try it by yourself! I think this franchise has a lot of stores in Korea.
Enjoy Korean food street with elegant way here~
How to Go:
Sillim subway station Exit 2. Go straight until you see McDonald. The store is right on the 2nd floor
Sillim Store’s Map