CulinaryKorean Meal

짬뽕 Spicy Seafood Noodles

My very first Korean dishes since I arrived in Korea. My first day in Korea, I spent it with my Korean buddy. She brought me to one of Chinese Restaurant near East Gate of Keimyung University. I told my Korean friend that I cannot eat meat, other than seafood and vegetables, so She brought me to that restaurant named 홓화루 and introduced me this food 짬뽕. Basically, this is a really spicy seafood noodle. I thought this was an original Chinese dishes, but internet said that it was inspired by Japanese dishes. In Korea, you mostly like find this food in Chinese Restaurant.

Whatever it is, It was delicious and spicy haha I ate 2 different champong till today, one is from this restaurant, and the other is from New Bauer Hall Cafetaria. The one from Bauer Hall Cafetaria is cheaper, but yeah, I only can find one small octopus leg in my bowl -_-

So, I can recommend this restaurant as your reference if you want to eat champong. The portion was soooo biiig. I couldn’t finished it 🙁


Price: 4000 원
Location: 홓화루 East Gate of Keimyung University. Beside 7Eleven.
Ingredients: Noodles, Gochujang, Onion, Seafood (Shrimp, Octopus), some green vegetables

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