남산골야시장 – Namsangol Night Market
Starting long Chuseok holiday without going anywhere is like eating hamburger without meat inside. It feels empty. But going too far was not a good choice also since the traffic were worst in this time. I was lucky finding this “Night Market” event at the last minute. I was also lucky because this night market only open every Saturday, on Sept 30 and Oct 7. I just find out that this night market already start since June. haha please mind my schedule before graduation was crazy. I missed many things that moment.
Fortunately, they organize another special event for these last two days. They call it ” Taste of Korea” or “한국의 맛”. There are 40 Korean chefs who open their booth in night market. As expected from Korea, they organize the concept very well. I can say “romantic night” (?) haha Because they arrange some tables and chairs with dim light neon on each table. romantic, isn’t it?!
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There is no entrance fee but if you want to taste the chef’s signature dish, you have to pay some Korean old coins named nyang 냥 , to purchase the food. You can purchase this coins in many spots inside, 10,000 won for 3 coins. The average price for the food was 2 coins, and 1 coin for drink and snack. Buy and use the coins wisely ^^
Not only food, for me especially who like free stuff, I only take a walk without paying anything haha It was nice to have a walk in the area. There are some handmade handicraft stuffs to see and also some performance and busking. You can just sit, watch and take a photos of them 😀
Before knowing about this night market stuff, honestly I didn’t know that this place were exist @@
This place is kind of small folk village in the middle of city. worth to visit in the daylight also!
How to Get There:
Take Subway and get off at Chungmuro station (충무로) Line 4.
Go to exit 3 or 4, and walk for about 5 minutes to reach the village. It is easy to find 🙂
Seoul, September 30th 2017