마노핀 Manofin – Cute Muffin
I noticed this cute muffin was because of Halloween celebration things. Manofin always make special design of muffin based on special celebration, such as Halloween, Christmas, New Year, etc. The taste itself actually just like normal muffin, but they have more variety choice of tastes. Worth enough to buy and taste it. In general the price of muffin is around 3000 won or $3 each, but for the simple muffin, such as English breakfast muffin, the one without taste hehe is only 1500 won, or $1.5.
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[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1half_end]I usually buy this muffin when they released new cute design of muffins. Just for taking picture ㅋㅋㅋㅋ In Seoul, you can find it almost everywhere, in the subway station. Go to the website for more information. I often see many people buy in the morning, probably they are executives or students who do not have time for breakfast.[/ezcol_1half_end]
Price: 1500원 – 3500원
Location: check it from its website , usually in the subway station in Seoul