CulinaryKorean Meal

Tokpoki 떡볶이 #1: Street Vendor

When i was still in Indonesia, the very first famous Korean food that i knew was tokpoki and jjajangmyeon, i knew it from one of korean variety show program i watched. looks delicious with the bright red color for tokpoki and the attractive black bean sauce for the jjajangmyeon. i had a dream when i had a chance to live in Korea, i would try those famous food from Korea.

This is my first post about my favourite things “food” (yeah finally i had time to write it). Let me talk about tokpoki first then 🙂 basically, i created some mini objectives for tokpoki. i want to try more than 5 different taste of tokpoki, from different famous tokpoki restaurant in korea. so far, i almost try around 5 maybe. so i will write it part by part hehe

The very first tokpoki i’d tried was tokpoki from the seomun market. when i was sight-seeing, i just stopped by on one of tokpoki stall in the roadside. not a very famous restaurant, just an ordinary small stall in the market.

Tokpoki (떡볶이) is a popular Korean snack food made from soft rice cake, fish cake and sweet red chili sauce as the basic ingredients. Different restaurant has their own style of tokpoki, for example adding noodles, eggs or mandu dumplings.

1. Seomun Market
Price: 2500 원
Ingredients: Rice cake, odeng (fish cake), chili paste (고추장).
Location: Seomun Market (서문시장) Daegu (대구)
How to get there: subway, get off at Sinnam Station, and find the exit which direct you to Seomun Market/ socks street market.



Review: i just found this tokpoki delicious because it was my first tokpoki since i arrived at Korea hehehe but after tasting a lot of tokpoki, this tokpoki just a common one. but yeah, the taste was not bad, moreover it was still hot, directly from the pan, the ahjumma cooked it in front of us.

2. Daebak Tokpoki (대박 떡볶이)
Price: 2000 원
Ingredients: Rice cake, odeng (fish cake), chili paste (고추장)
Location: Daegu Downtown (Banwoldang)
How to get there: subway, get off at Banwoldang Station, go to exit 14, you have to walk around 5 minutes. the restaurant is located near the middle performance. you will see some small stage near the Debec Mall. It was not really hard to find it because the restaurant almost full everytime I went there.


Review: okay… the main feature is you will a weird shape of the rice cake. Tokpoki-Love shape makes you want to eat more hahaha and be careful, the taste is veeeryyy spicy! but,,, the taste was more delicious than the seomun market one. the red chili paste taste was stronger. and surprisingly the price also cheaper. recommended one. I think this restaurant is very famous. always find it full of customer. Not only tokpoki, they also sell another Korean street snack food, such as odeng, mandu, and kimbab.

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